Acne No More Do Chemical Peels Work for Acne Scars

14 Feb

Healthforus Acne breakouts can be traumatic…and then they become acne scars, which can to be worse. Some people tend to be more prone to acne possibly because of their body chemistry, heredity, lifestyle, and other causes which exacerbate the factors that lead to acne. Acne scarring can be very disfiguring, affecting the way you live. There ways to get rid of those marks, one of which is chemical peeling. But how do chemical peels work for acne scars?

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are also known chemexfoliation and derma-peeling. This is a mildly invasive procedure that may be performed a qualified professional, such as a dermatologist, esthetician, plastic surgeon, or otolaryngologist. (I got another very good article on acne no more here on this page. If you love my article please visit this one too. Hopefully you would get more valuable info there.) There are chemical peeling products available in beauty stores and pharmacies that can be applied without professional help; nonetheless, consultation with a professional is always advised before using any of these products.

Types of Chemical Peels

There are several types of chemicals peels commonly used:

  1.  Alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) peels – is the mildest type of derma-peel since they are naturally occurring in plants. The five most common alpha hydroxyl acids and the sources you typically find them are:
  • Tartaric acid – grape extract
  • Malic acid – apple extract
  • Lactic acid – bilberries and sour milk
  • Glycolic acid – sugar cane
  • Citric acid – lemons, limes, oranges, and pineapples
  1.  Beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) peels – have a deeper peeling effect than the AHA peels; example of which is the salicylic acid.
  2.  Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels – are typically effective for moderate to deep scars since the depth of penetration can be improved as the concentration also increases.
  3.  Jessner’s peel – is previously known as Coombe’s formula containing lactic acid, resorcinol in an ethyl alcohol base, and 14% salicylic acid.
  4.  Retinoic acid peel – is a treatment derived from retinoids and done with professional help.
  5.  Phenol peels – are the strongest chemical peel solutions which produce a very deep skin peel and must also be performed by a dermatologist or any other qualified professional.

Do Chemical Peels Work for Acne Scars?

So the question now is, are these chemical peels going to work for acne scars?

A chemical peel typically works by getting rid of the damaged layers of your skin, revealing healthy cells underneath. This will enhance the texture as well as the tone of your skin. However, to achieve your desired results, it’s advised to talk to a dermatologist since your skin type, acne severity, and area of scarring are all put into consideration.

Multiple treatments are usually required in order to completely remove your acne scars with low cost, get acne no more review. A medium chemical peel may need to be repeated every 6 to 12 months to maintain your skin’s health. Meanwhile, a deep chemical peel can have lasting results, up to 10 years.

The most common side effects include peeling, redness, and discomfort for a few days after your chemical peeling session. Sometimes, swelling may also occur. The doctor will provide painkillers to make you more comfortable. Applying petroleum jelly can also help speed up the healing process.

The Cost of a Chemical Peel

The costs of a chemical peel vary by type. Light chemical peels usually cost between $150 and $300. Medium chemical peels cost around $1000 to $2000 while deep chemical peels are quite pricey at $2500 to $6000. This fee includes the consultation, anesthesia, and follow-up care.

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